Global – the big confusion

February 18th, 2012

The word global is presented as the final solution – when things become global our worries are over, the good world is near. But it is not so, and never will be!

The investors and financiers of the world are having a fine time. Money can be accumulated, moved around the world, invested in facilities, services, crops, minerals – all you can think of. Speculation is producing large profits, some few times huge losses, the chase for profit is the name of the game. Money are lent to governments, municipalities, public bodies who are good borrowers. They always pay back their debts so it is safe to let them have your money.

The problems of this method are becoming evident: 1%, 99%, joblessness, hunger, defaults.

The money system – global money system – is the system we live by. But nobody controls this system – it is out of control. There are no global political entities, no global financials – there is a bit of problemsolving when things go very wrong. There is the World Bank, the IMF that are not connected to the democratic systems of the world – they do things by some sort of negotiation and their authority is unclear.

The lenders lend without or with scant risk control – in the US lots of people lost their homes, in many countries public financial overextension is found in many places. For some reason the lenders shall not take their losses. We must all come together and help pay up. The lenders are let off when they make mistakes, the borrowers do not take responsibility for what they do, they just go on increasing their debts. Coupled with QE quantitative easing there is a balloon being filled with hot financial air. Add the system of fractional reserve banking and we are set up for failure.

Global systems leads to lack of understanding and transparency, and coupled wit advanced financial schemes we end up with deep problems.

Global solutions will never work, and there is no need for global solutions. Business should be about making a fair living where you are. The growth syndrome of states and businesses is clearly not sustainable. The modern system with huge production being sent back and forth here and there all over the world is clearly unsustainable – the thinking that everybody must export and import is silly.

We are ruled increasingly by a money system that is said to be global, but is full of confusing issues – the main one being that nobody is accountable for what happens, the size and extent of the problems are so large that everybody can be pulled down.

Financial globalism is bad in principle – it will never work: Will you let yourself be governed by somebody you did not elect, or even worse by somebody who has not been elected by anybody?

Other kinds of globalism might be a good idea – health, ethics, human rights, fair share and many others.

The lending and borrowing is out of control, and the only way back to sanity is to make lenders and borrowers take responsibility for what they do. If you fail to pay what you have borrowed, you suffer. If the lenders don’t  get paid they suffer. They have to straighten things out between them. This must be done on the local level, and the transactions must be small, under good risk control, you should know where the money comes from and what it is used for, who the lenders and borrowers are.

So this is simplistic? Yes, and it should be – financial acrobatics are not what it all is about – it is about making a decent living where you are. So local, national, regional is good, split it up into units that we can handle, let politics do its job, let the financials follow, let the people responsible take resposibility – in a transparent environment.

It is all so easy – if we pull it down to basics which is where it belongs.

Chinese opinion – world opinion?

February 15th, 2012

It is safe to say that world opinion – if there is such a thing – is US and Western opinion. Is this about to change?

Xi Jinping, the presumed next president of The People’s Republic of China PRC, is visting the US at the moment. He has been there before, so this is a wide visit, full of good intentions. Mr. Obama did not smile broadly when they met, judging from pictures in the media. Why not is not clear. Perhaps his head is full of thoughts about the coming years – things are going to change for both coutries. One is going up, the other is going down – relatively speaking. Time will show what happens, the future is not always fully predictable. Obama is a president in times of transition, and there is little he can do about it. Maybe he is still president in 2013.

Xi Jinping (习近平) is an interesting man, both personally and also when looking into the background of his father. Xi Jinping is an engineer with a doctorate in law, wide practice in the Chinese system of government and politics. His father was both a friend and a foe of Mao Tse Tung, living in political darkness for a long time, being called a liberal. We will know more about what Xi Jinping stands for in the coming years. Xi Jinping is clearly well versed in many kinds of human affairs.

We must, being wise and with reasonable foresight, prepare us for the  changes that will come. First we must learn to understand the thinking of the Chinese, the politics, the culture, the business methods, the philosophy. Perhaps learn a bit of the Chinese language too – some Mandarin?

Viewed from China the US is a strange nation. Many things going on there can not and will not take place anywhere else on the globe. The Chinese have just celebrated the new year with age old customs – food ceremonies, festivities, seeing your family, thinking. Differences are huge.

The Super Bowl, the biggest TV event in the US, happened a few weeks ago and we may wonder what the Chinese think of this most American of spectacles. Think about how the Chinese TV viewers respond to sports and other big “global” events piped into their homes via satellite, being a long-closed-off society with its own deep and rich historical culture.

Americans think of their spectacles as world events, but the truth is that a large number of nations in the world is barely interested in these strange goings-on. It is only in the American imagination that these events are perceived as  world events.

The world of news is dominated today by American news – sport, electioneering, health questions, business, wars, politics, deaths of popstars – the Americans are everywhere. They have put high pressure on their publishings – remember they are only 5% of the worlds population.

So what is to be expected from the Chinese – what reactions do we see? Will it matter to the rest of us what they think? Remember that Chinese culture is strong, going back thousands of years, it is not easily shifted.

Quoting from Chinese Pod, a Chinese Language service in Shanghai:
“The biggest TV draws for foreign events in China tend to have an element of “Chinese-ness” to them. The NBA has always had fans in China and their game broadcasts have long been popular, but ratings exploded when Shanghai-born 姚明 (Yáo Míng) joined the Houston Rockets in 2002. An estimated 200 million Chinese in the Mainland tuned in to see 姚 play  against another Chinese-born big man, 易建联 (Yì Jiànlián) in 2007, so the drawing power of a home-grown element in a foreign event is not to be discounted.
Long before Beijing hosted the Summer Olympic Games in 2008 millions closely followed how their homegrown athletes were doing on the world stage. Indeed, competing in sports, as well as using them to prove and strengthen national identity, is a notable part of Chinese cultural identity, so an event like the Olympic games in which the results can be seen to represent strengths and weaknesses of particular countries seems made to be a hit in China.
The Chinese – and the rest of the world – tend to look at US presidential elections with a mix of confusion and bemusement. Contrary to popular belief, elections are not a foreign concept in China, with People’s congress deputies and officials at the local level standing for election regularly. US elections elicit puzzled looks. The scale and amount of money spent on American elections strike many as ridiculous and unnecessary, and many are inclined to dismiss the circus-like proceedings; “People think the capitalist way of campaigning is all about making up fake stories to slander your opponent, that it’s just a political show,” as one prominent academic in China put it. Interestingly enough, former President Bill Clinton enjoys substantial popularity here in the PRC, and there are even Clinton-brand condoms to be found (draw your own conclusions). Known in Chinese as 比尔·克林顿 (Bǐ’ěr·Kèlíndùn) or simply 克林顿, Clinton’s second inauguration, in 1997, was the first to be broadcast over the internet, giving those in China with internet connections the chance to see one of their favorite American leaders take office again.
This year even the Super Bowl, the championship of a sport very few Chinese follow, was broadcast live on a handful of stations in China. One of the biggest global stories of the last few years, however, was the death of pop star Michael Jackson, who was widely-mourned in China. Jackson was one of the most popular Western stars in the PRC (”MJ, you are our god!” one netizen wrote), and his death was a constant topic of discussion both on and offline in China. Whitney Houston’s death last week elicited similar if smaller-scale reactions.”

So what is it the other way around – do the Americans intend to pipe Chinese TV into their homes – the Chinese events often attract far larger audiences than the American ones – and how is American media treating Chinese activities, presenting Chinese news – fairly or with a spin?

Opinions come and go – we are all subjective people, we do not always get the full truth, it is sometimes made up for us, so beware. Go there, talk to the Chinese, get to know them, then we shall all benefit.

Heavier stuff is coming up to in matters of world opinion – economics, politics, environmental issues – the contest in on.

How is the new world opinion made? True, informative or with a spin? We shall see.

To learn some Chinese try Chinese Pod

The vice-like grip of money can be broken

February 8th, 2012

The money are not coming to all the way they should.

This is not because you are lazy, careless, or other, but may be because you are hit by global forces, the cold winds from the investors are blowing your way. The factories in your neighbourhood are closing, the markets are disappearing, the smallholding food growers go away, the small shops and makers of stuff of many kinds are closing down, there is little for you to do where you live. Everything is done elsewhere – in the big factories, in the huge malls, on the huge farms, efficiency is increasing, the need for people is dwindling, diversity of  offerings is being reduced, what you get is cheap and good. The economics of scale is the chief factor to consider, some say the only one, as this is best for investors. The social consequences are dire, but not a theme to consider right now, perhaps later.

And the investors are a restless bunch, and never satisfied, they roam the world for growth, for profit, constantly innovating in their creative destruction – whether it is chicken farming or PC-production. Their focus is constant, unwavering. Locals outside the production units are just so much biomass.

You are left behind and destitute – with a family to support. Your neighbours are hit too – your community is in a bad state. You barely scrape by. This illness is slowly spreading to several parts of the world, and it will accelerate as the years go by. Youths are hardest hit – they have nothing and little chance of getting any. For many places this is a huge exaggeration, it is not like this at all. But beware, the trend is scary!

This can not go on, the tide must be turned.

And little things are happening – new ways are found. one of the most interesting one is Equal Dollars.

Quote:  ”Equal Dollars is a thriving community currency program run by Resources for Human Development, a national human services nonprofit with headquarters in Philadelphia. This currency promotes the exchange of goods, services and labor through a membership network and adds vitality to local economies where U.S. Dollars are scarce and expensive while local labor and goods are abundant but not fully used. Local businesses that accept the currency build stronger relationships and greater affinity within the community. People and businesses that join and use the currency make a conscious commitment to support their local economy by buying within the community.”

So people are there, they can and will work, but is not being used. But a bit of wise organisation is helping.

A new way has been found where people can sign up, get a basic number og Equal Dollars, use them to buy from the local firms that are part of the program, then they can sign up for volunteer work and earn more Equal Dollars, so they can buy more. A beneficial circle has been started, people are using their work power, they exchange that with others, people are starting to exchange services, stretching their money.

There are also community enrichment workshops,where persons come together to learn from each other, there are flea markets and farmers markets where you can pay with equal dollars or equal amounts of volunteer dollars, and work exchanges where you can give an have work in return. Coupon swaps are also being organised where you can put food or other coupons into the system and have them exchanged for coupons for items you would like to have.

There is also a business to business side to this as businesses are starting to exchange labour or barter goods.

There  is a very crucial side to this – when you have little money you can give your time, receive other people’s time, you build relationships, they will gradually widen as more people are going into the system, you create good dependencies, you build community, we are back at our roots where people helped each other out and social relations are widening in a positive way. The local local labor and goods are there and more can be found!

This is a solution in the making, indicating good will and illustrating good principles. How much can you do locally and how much do you have to get from elsewhere, from the big businesses? How much money do you really need? the thinking is not new, but it goes against global tendencies where everything is soon to be made elsewhere on a huge scale. But life is surely much more than large scale production and consumption?

Local is good, local is where you start and do your living – local could be all you need really. Will the future bring us back ro our roots – where the good life is?

“Equalizing the economic playing field in our communities. ” Yeah – we need that.

see: Equal Dollars

The banks of the future will serve us better

February 5th, 2012

The witch-hunting of bankers must stop – they say. That is right, and what is also right is that we must stop bankers from conducting their business the way they do now. Real and continous excessive profits, salaries, bonuses, surrealistic products, widespread speculation make it easy to cry wolf.

The bankers have largely been thinking of themselves and their own profits lately, being greedy bastards, and also having made a hefty contribution to the souring of the global financial system and the present crisis. The banks only purpose should be to serve the businesses of the world engaged  in the production of goods and services, facilitating it all – and being a low cost, innovative producer of such services. The sorting out and clarifying their of role should be commenced right away.

The big banks are doing all kinds of businesses the supermarket way, and they mix it all together – private, business, investment, financial products, speculation – in their accounts.

Too many banks are” too big to fail”, they are part of holding structures that are intertwined and interdependent and where risk is difficult to see and follow. They are also global, moving funds here and there, risking loosing track of what is going on.

Banks are also heavy lobbyists, turning the the tide their way, pressurizing politicians to their advantage. Maybe this kind of lobbying should pure and simple be forbidden?

So we need a new banking industry, and regulation of reserves is not enough, more radical changes must be implemented.

First the banks must be made smaller, definitely more local understanding local businesses, more understandable, more transparent, we must break banks up so that capitalistic competition becomes a reality, so that they are small enough to fail, they must take their risks as they have set themselves up to. Regulation must work and bite, competition must flourish. Now the markets don’t work any more, the players are too few and too big. Complete laissez-faire is not good in the long run, it leads – always – to excess.

The basis of it all is commercial and industrial enterprise and the banking system must support that. We must reduce the importance of  financial constructions and speculation, fancy unfathomable products, the complexity of the financial system must be reduced, banking and finance must be simplified.

Size and relations must be looked into as large also is risky and global is risky – the cost of failure is too big.

The parts of banking must be sectioned from each other – private, commercial, financial, speculation, investment – with separation of accounts.  The fractional reserve system should be looked into.

The political power must be reduced, independent central banks must be built and allowed to work in cooperation with regulators.

So this could be interesting – and better – more banks, good capital regulation, restrictions on activities, reoval of conflicts of interest, lobbying forbidden, competition overseers that are fit and well.

The weakness of global risk exposure must be controlled, risk should largely be local and understood locally. Understanding and transparency must be there always, or businesses and people may suffer undeservedly.

Investors that really are banks should be included in this regime.

Banks and investors must not be allowed to hurt the real economy, they must not be allowed to become crass speculators, even financial terrorist as some say.

A new era is dawning – real risk understanding, real competion, good servants for the business community.

We can always hope, and see to it that we elect politicians that know the interests of a good real economy.

What are your real needs?

February 1st, 2012

You live in a world that was given to you. Everything is locked up in organizations, structures and systems of many kinds. The fixed thinking of others and yourself is a foundation for everything as you think and do exactly the same as everybody else. You were taught many lessons and you have accepted it all. There is not a single independent thought in you – not one iota, not a fig.

You have never thought about it, because you have become a witless and scared little person sitting quite still in your opulent environment. You think you are content, all your material needs are met.

This is all very sad. It is, however, never too late to become a real person – to see what it is all about.

The first thing to check out is what do you really want? First find out about yourself and your relation to others – do you interact with others at all, except professionally and with family, does anybody depend upon you and do you depend upon anybody – especially in your near community? Do you help each other in any way? You buy everything you need, and you work like mad to get money to manage that? You have money so you don’t really need anybody? Right, but not fine. You could make life better for both yourself and others if you change that into more interactivity – more moneyless activity.

So check out about yourself, in your own place. How do you spend your time? Is your life really good, are your choices independent and serves you well or do you just follow what others do? Are you a must-have, follow-others person?

There is huge scope for change and increased consciousness – make sure you know what your life is really about, what you really want to do, what you really need to have – do a bit of deep thinking to find out.

You must see who you are now, what you want to be, what your relation to others are, what your relations to cosmos are – the totality of it all.

The ideal world for you to live in is the one you make yourself. After you have established your wish for being here, you can start creating your own – independent of all and everything – world, and start a fantastic and deeply satisfying journey – your own life. The possibilities for a human are boundless.

Do not interest yourself in irrelevant matters, do not follow or identify with matters of no or marginal interest to what you want. Do not be disturbed by your emotions, instincts, do not let your feelings or intellect play havoc with you. The noise from other people, the media, events, distractions of many kinds must not be allowed to disturb you.

Make sure there are facts and science to guide you, avoid myths and spin. Do not believe anything until you have checked it out for yourself – most stories are about other peoples’ need to make money or gather influence, they are seldom of relevance to you.

You must learn to use your hands so you can see the creative side of yourself and be able to develop that side of your personality. Participation in food production on some level is essential so that you understand what you are fed, where food comes from, the impact of food on yourself, society and the cosmos.

The activity that you choose to engage in is about your own life and what you love to do. It is also about what you can do for others. So keeping your aims clear and visible you must decide what activities are best.

It is required of you to see if you really need the things we are accustomed to and must have: goods of all kinds, entertainment, rich living spaces, world wide travel, foods? The work you do must not take most of your time as there are so many interesting things to engage in. A good solution is to set yourself up to see life and work as a whole – integrate everything you do into your life, get rid of the concept of work.  Are you spending enough time on what you love to do? Well…

The need for money is exaggerated – you do not need enormous amounts of the stuff. Do not try to be rich, but rather be content, and finding your own inner happiness is what it is all about.

So think a lot – be independent, realitybased, supporting your own wish for being, then do your own stuff that you love to do, do not be pressured by outside and inside forces.

You will gradually find that there is not so much you need, you can give of your time to others, receive from others, share, engage the cosmos – the greatness of what you do will amaze you.

The real needs you have will be apparent when you have established your aims, your wish for being here and started inner work. It is all about a foundation called inner work – try it!

Naturally knowing yourself

January 30th, 2012

The mind has natural functions or processes where many things interact, where the messages we get are coordinated: The sounds, the sights, the smells, the heat or cold, the words we understand or not and interpret, the physical challenges, the hunger we may feel, the laughter – it is all hugely complex. This machine of ours seems to be in constant activity, the energy spent is huge. But sometimes we are in need of relaxation, a soothing voice, a bit of meditation? The machine has to slow down.

Why do we have to relax, withdraw – kind of stop the machine from time to time. A change of environment often lets us continue, a bit of encouragement makes us go on. It is often all in your mind.

There are thoughts too that pulls us one way or the other, we react in many ways depending upon what we think the message means.

Taste is smell they say. Aromatic molecules from your mouth enters your nose, and then your brain gets a message – depending upon who you are, what your experiences are, your personality, what you have eaten before. Food is good or bad, depending on the machine inside you. Unbelievable things may be eaten if your machine accepts it.

We are all different – within strict limits – and the interpretation of what goes on is all your own, you are a special kind of human. You do your own thing, you see, smell things, hear and so on in your own way.

There is work to do here – on your self: you are the only one who can deeply see what is going on, understand it and live with it. You should try to find out who you are and how you function, how your machinery works. If you need to change is another matter – it is not necessarily so – you may well be able to live fine as you do – with a little understanding from yourself.

But the more you are willing to work the more conscious you may become. You can understand this apparatus of yours in fantastic ways, you can raise your consciousness many levels. You may see the possibilities of  wholeness and integration, be more active, more thoughtful, maybe a more balanced person, you may be able to use your senses and your intellect in awesome ways. You may understand why you do things, how you do them, why you go for certain things and suppress others, why you are nervous, what your dreams are about, why you lie or resist, when you are comfortable, when aggression rises.

The question of suffering enters into it, understanding and accepting suffering in its many forms is possible when you know yourself. You should see to it that you interact well with people, that the social part of life is understood to.

The forces in you and the power of your mind may increasingly surprise you, and you may think of good ways to utilize this power. The possibilities of humans are not fully understood now, as we live in many ways that takes away the power to do the possible.

The challenge of knowing yourself is a light one, but the work may be hard! Rich rewards may come your way if you persevere.

What is the truth about climate warming?

January 29th, 2012

16 scientists have signed a declaration about the global warming situation. They claim that we do not need to do anything dramatic to stop global warming.

Nobel-Prize-winning physicist Ivar Giaever has publicly resigned from the American Physical Society (APS). His main concern is the expression that APS uses saying that the evidence of global warming due to human release of CO2 is incontrovertible.

He says that the facts are not in place – we must find the facts. He finds support – wide support – increasing support among scientists.

There is a “warming establishment” – and it is rather inconvenient for them that there is no measurable warming yet. The warming is also smaller than the warming predicted in the 22 years since IPCC issued their first projections. It seems the computer models used have exaggerated how much warming CO2 can cause.

CO2 is not a pollutant – it is exhaled by all of us, it is an important factor in the biosphere’s life cycle. By adding CO2 in greenhouses plants increase their growth.

The number of publicly dissenting scientists is growing, but dissent and open factual discussion is still not the order of the day. Dissent is not mainstream, it may even lead to dismissals jobwise.

Why is there such disagreement? Why not a calm and collected discussion? It seems it is about money as alarmism is of great benefit to many in finding funding for causes that are found distressing. Politicians, bureaucracies, organisations all want to save the world, and start working to find the money and get things going.

The conclusion of the scientists are: “There is no compelling scientific argument for drastic action to “decarbonize” the world’s economy.” A good policy now would be “to allow 50 more years of economic growth unimpeded by greenhouse gas controls. This would be especially beneficial to the less-developed parts of the world that would like to share some of the same advantages of material well-being, health and life expectancy that the fully developed parts of the world enjoy now.”

Maybe more CO2 and the modest warming that may come with it will be an overall benefit to the planet? That question should also be looked into.

Scientist should now continue good scientific work – checking, measuring, analysing, building understanding of nature. Science is seldom based on uncotrovertible facts – we gradually find truth, then new truth – it never stops.
We must understand climate to live reasonably well on Earth – dictates are no good. It is sad if climate warming is a hype, and all about money?

Let us find the facts by working well, thouroughly, objectively – and fairly fast so that a common understanding can be developed.

Iran: The looming war – the continuation of Western idiocy

January 26th, 2012

Iranians are proud citizens of the world, it is said that Iranians are wise, they also have a proud history going back to the start of human civilisation. Their culture is rich. They are among the biggest oil producers on Earth (6th.) The strait of Hormuz is important, lots of oil go through there.

The media are showing pictures of US warships far from home – near Iran. The USS Abraham Lincoln and the USS John C. Stennis are fearful machines with atomic reactors, 90 planes and about 6000 men each, and other classified equipment. They have been on duty in Irak, and are now ready for more missions. A war may be coming – and that would be pure idiocy.

There will be a presidential election in the US later this year, and candidates are taking their positions. All candidates are hot against Iran, so warmongering seems to be the way to become president of the US!

The West have sanctions against Iran, the latest being an oil import ban.

Iran had a prime minister Mossadegh that was engineered out of his position by US and Brit intelligence they say. The Shah was installed they say with help from same. Iran has tried to nationalize its own oil resources – surprise –  succeeded and now has about 80% of its national income from oil. Iranians have a notion – shared by many – that oil should not be burned. They want to find better uses for it.

They have had a nuclear programme since at least the 1950s trying to build nuclear power stations to produce electricity. Many nations have assisted in the building of these installations. This has clearly not been a success – it is difficult to find firm evidence of producing power stations – and now have a nuclear programme of research, uranium enrichment and say they are working to build nuclear power stations on an independent basis.

The Iranian view is that a development of nuclear weapons is not in the national interest of Iran, there would just be an escalation in the area. They will not have it – it just increases the security risk.

There is also the fact that Israel has nuclear weapons, and have not signed the NPT, along with India, Pakistan and North korea.

Recently 5 Iranian nuclear scientists were killed by “unknown attackers” without Western media saying much about that.

The IAEA have not found conclusively that Iran has a weapons programme, the information we are given through the media is coming from US sources – with a little help from Israel? – as assessments and allegations – no firm proof seems to have been found. This has been going on for a long time, and the pair of Cheney and Rumsfeld have been at it too.

Iran have many friends in the nuclear business – Argentine, France, Russia, lately Venezuela. Iran as well as many other nations – Brazil, Turkey, at least a dozen –  want to do their own nuclear programs including enriching their own uranium – without pushing and pressure from anybody – they insist on independence.

For Iran this is really about the right a nation has to do what it wants. The IAEA’s El-Baradei says that “many other nations are enriching uranium without the world making any fuss about it.”

This is clearly a complex mixture. The question of how China sees it could come up too. It should also be noted that China is a big buyer of Iranian oil.

It seems a conflict is consciously being built by the US and its allies, the real threats, the proven threats are coming from the West, piece by piece. Their ships are cruising around in a threatening manner waiting for orders to release their weapons. The US i going on regardless: “The push to boost the power of the the 30,000-pound “bunker-buster” bomb, known as the Massive Ordnance Penetrator MOP is part of stepped-up contingency planning for a possible strike against Iran’s nuclear program, say U.S. officials.” (WSJ). There is an obvious US agenda showing itself!

It is not in the interest of the world to let the US continue these kind of schemes. Moving their wars from place to place? Now it is Iran – what next? There are deep changes coming, the US has less than 5% of the world’s population, many other and bigger nations can not let this activity go on much longer.

The IAEA is not allowed to do its job as there obviously are higher agendas afoot, there are many others involved with their own many faceted agendas, a dangerous situation is being created, there is media spin, intelligence workers buzzing about. The West are clearly the provocateurs – alleging and assessing, but again being unable to show proof.

What kind of nation is Iran? About 67 million people – a little more than France – oil rich, famed culture going a long way back, relative freedom, although religious control can be harsh. They are wise – they would not do what the creators of the  allegations and assessments are putting out into the world. We should talk to each other – any way.

Are we wise?

Evolving ourselves – ordinary men and women – into true philosophers

January 25th, 2012

Living is often easy and often it is not easy at all – you have a crisis, mental, physical, economic, you are about to die, or some of many other possible difficulties.

There are conflicts, catastrophies – all sorts of things to be concerned with.

So you need a mindset to get you through life – you preferably should have a conscious or controlled approach to whatever happens, because one day – sooner or later – your fortunes will change. It is also certain that one day you will surely die.

The diversity of solutions to this is complex and multifaceted: Religions of many kinds, spiritualism, the thinking of gurus, self-evolved solutions. Many depressed people get medicines to take them through daily life.

There also seems to be differences between parts of the world – between East and West. Both places have great philosophers – men thinking grand thoughts about living a life, being part of society, being ethical humans. Political and economic thought are also part of the philosophy of the world. Often these are fully or partly integrated, i.e. Muslim thinking.

Thinking about the way we live seems to be more widespread and common – infused – in Eastern societies than in the West. In general people in the East are more concerned, more conscious about their way of life – the happenings, the the past, the future, history, what has been and what will come is shown respect. The Chinese even have the book of changes I Ching. The level of ethics is generally high. They know their philosphers: Tao, Buddha, Zen masters, gurus like Sri Aurobindo, the impact of philosophy is high.

In the West philosophy has been a largely intellectual activity – an endeavour without much practical consequence – you take a course at university and then you forget it. Philosophy is for the philosophers, not for ordinary people. It is an intellectual game with models and sophisticated constructs, it is highbrow and fanciful. This lack of a philosophical basis means Western society has lost its ethics, its morals, its purpose – we are now consumers chasing the golden prize.

This ought to be changed – and luckily there are new approaches that could prove to be significant. The fusion of Eastern and Western thought could be a viable way forward, and many people have written and spoken about that – for example Gurdjieff and Naess.

The consciousness about what we are here for ought to be elevated, thinking about our personal roles and aims, our role in the great cosmos, our treatment of ourselves and the Earth. We need a philosophy of the world for the ordinary woman and man – a way of thinking that can lead to understanding the self, to self-realization and sustainability.

The thinking of the East and the West should be taken as a whole – to develop a new set of whole ideas for mankind. The aim should be to have everybody be conscious about life and cosmos – to be true philosophers.

We need to find truth in all matters whatever it is, we need to eradicate violence in all forms, we must stop violating the world we live in, the world must become one of dialogue among all, economic greed is unsustainable. The social and economic stratification of people we see today is unsustainable – the basis is sound equality among all men.

Diversity is a central point, we must search for possible practicable solutions in all local habitats, to realize the possibilities where they can be found. Man is not supreme, he is part of a larger ecosystem and must find his natural place there. Diversity must not be reduced by monocrops, stripmining, spreading chemicals, outhunting species or similar.

We must agree on a sustainable population on the Earth through dialogue. The answer to that question is completely unknown today. At present rates of  of population growth there will be about 14 million people on the Earth in about 70 years time. That could be sustainable or it may not – we must find out before we get there.

Establishing the interconnection of everything is a great goal for humanity – to make a good foundation for material life and wellbeing of everything living. The aim must be to engage all people in this endeavour so that we all can contribute our part, be active in our own lives, build society, make cosmos sustainable.

Be concerned with building consensus based on fact, be cooperative in all matters, remove antagonism, develop love among all.

The world is large, it is well built, it can serve us well if we let it, all people must be made thinkers so they can see the reality of what we are doing, so that we can get nearer to a sustainability of everything.

First we must all become philosophers – and empiricalists relating to reality. Hands on – that is the way. You and me and all.

How much should you care?

January 23rd, 2012

The world is rolling along, circling, revolving, seasons change, day and night come and go. There are huge processes taking place in the ecosystems we all are part of. 7 billion humans are busy doing all sort and manner of things.

An enormous spectacle unfolds continously. Seemingly random acts occur as well, throwing us all into awe or fear.

And what should your role be in this grand show? How much part of it are you really? Does it matter where you are, what you do?

Maybe the answer is no.

Should you care, think, speak up, even do something so that the mass of events can be righted or adjusted according to yourself, your group, your community, your nation, your …whatever.. globally?

The only solution is obvious and so simple. Stay away as much as you can, do not identify unnecessarily with anything, do your own thing. Be a presence now, where you are, now. Focus. Concentrate. Live in the now. Go for your aims.

The best and only thing you can do is to make sure you live in the now, that is your only task, and it is neverending, it never stops.

And that goes for everybody else to.

If we all did just that the world would be such a good place. Perhaps one day it will.  Maybe it matters after all what you do and the answer should be yes it matters what you do. Live in the system, accept it, change it by doing your own thing. Now.