The Healthy Ageing report explains how to protect the eyes, brain, bones and heart and stave off diseases including diabetes and cancer in later life by eating the right diet.
If everyone were to follow the advice – which also recommends stopping smoking and taking more exercise – the ageing population will be markedly more free of illness in later life.
Living ages are increasing rapidly, and we have to make sure that we live well.
For the heart recommending foods containing healthier fats, soluble fibre and potassium, such as vegetable oils, nuts and seeds, pulses, oats, potatoes, root vegetables, fish and milk.
For the heart and brain, fish, meat, poultry, eggs, leafy vegetables and nuts are recommended to ensure a decent intake of Vitamin B12 and folate. Alcohol is also recommended in moderation.
The bones, the report says, are best served by Vitamin K found in green leafy vegetables, liver, broccoli and asparagus, and both bones and muscles benefit from Vitamin D found in oily fish, eggs, margarine and fortified cereals.
The blood benefits from iron found in liver, meat, beans, nuts, dried fruit, wholegrain foods and leafy vegetables, and the eyes require lutein/zeaxanthin from kiwi fruit, grapes, spinach, kale and peppers.
The teeth need fluoride found in tea and fish, while the prostrate needs lycopene found in tomatoes, guava, apricots, watermelon, papaya and pink grapefruit.
For all body systems, a list of foods containing Vitamin C, beta-carotene and Vitamin E is provided which includes tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, citrus fruits, melon, dark green, yellow and orange fruit and vegetables along with plant oils, nuts, seeds and wheatgerm.
See link: Healthy Ageing