The inability of democracies to be democratic

November 21st, 2012

We all live in a world that is like an old adventure story : The ruling class or political class has taken over. Countries with millions of inhabitant are ruled by hundreds of people called politicians, and everything is now a political question. Very few matters are for you to decide as all matters are political. The politician’s rule is complete and unrestricted. Problems abound, but they can not be solved until politicians have had a say.

We live an illusion – the system does not work very well.

The democratic system as it is today works in intriguing ways. We have equipped it with a bottleneck where all things must pass. All things that shall enter the bottleneck must be carefully prepared, and they are. But further consideration is always needed. So there just is not enough room for what we want to do. And afterwards they can alway go back on what they said.

There are resources plentiful to achieve marvellous things, but we can not do it because the system has not said yes you can do it, it has not passed the bottleneck.

Further we have also allowed politics to expand beyound all reasonable limits. Now everything is politics, every little bit shall be decided by politicians, the political class are the rulers of their countries, and if this trend continues the political class will be the rulers of the world one day – in the not too distant future.

In spite of this power base there is also an enormous inability to fix things that have gone wrong: budgets, health care, foreign policy….The consequences of politics are nil, politicians are like vapour and goes up in thin air after the deed.

The bottleneck is not always full because many matters are under consideration and not ready for the bottleneck. But once it is ready for the bottleneck further consideration is always needed, we must consider it again, and again….

Many groups and participants are active in the process, they often work from hidden posistions, sometimes they seem to be able to stop things, in other cases they seem to make things pass the bottleneck very easily. This often comes as a surprise  to those not in the know. Special interest groups understand the system very well, and can play it to perfection. The financiers are also in there, helping decisions develop beautifully.

This is how the democratic system works, and it truly is an adventure. All that shall be done must pass through this bottleneck. At the same time and as a consequence of this you are not allowed to do things on your own. You must always wait for the political decisions. This holds even if the resources are available, there is will to do it among many people, they have the ability to do what they say, you have already cleared the obstacles and are ready to start. You can do it now or at least in the near future.

If you want to build a railway it can not be done

If you want to fix the health care system it can not be done

If you want a new school it can not be done. If you want o change the school system it can not be done.

If you want to do things otherwise it can not be done.

If you want a balanced budget you can not have it.

If you want equality you can not have it, you ca not get rid of poverty

If you want – whatever – you can not have it – others have the right of authority so you must wait

The politicians – that we have elected – always have the final word on all matters big and small. They also mysteriously create all the jobs in a country. They tax us heavily so we have little money left. The government have the money so they can do things. The financiers also have money.

And then there are the laws and regulations. They keep pouring out, engulfing us, making us sit quite still. Your ability to get things done is severely  and increasingly limited. You must have approvals for every little bit, or maybe you are taken and punished…. Often the laws are sloppy with indeterminate consequences.

But it has gone too far as we can no longer abide by all of the rules, but that does not matter,  enforcement is long beyond the power we have put in place. Increasingly the question of power to do comes up – are politicians really authorized to do all they do?

But often there are no rules and regulations so the  participants mysteriously can do whatever they want.

Politicians also meddle all the time, creating confusion, stopping people doing things. The word we get is that you have to wait, we are working on it.

The sum of all this is a modern democracy which is a society with a bottleneck where all things must pass. The bottleneck society, and that is where you live. The bottleneck is not getting smaller, no it stays the same, but what has to go through it steadily increases.

Remember that force is the essence of government, and why do we need somebody to use force? Why not consensus, voluntarism, freedom? The scale of government is too grand. It is time to think anew.

Frustration is everywhere – among us all. So where do we go from here?

We surely need changes. Not fewer politicians, but more: Everybody should become a politician, his own politician and decide by himself what to do. Get things you need doing done by yourself – it is easy really.

The consequences will be small. The politicians of today are so engulfed in their own devices that they will not notice.

The key principle is to let more people be able to do what they want. All we need for that is an unwritten be careful rule so you don’t harm anybody. Adam Smith called it moral sentiments, and he even wrote a book about that. Live by simple good morals and ethics and start doing what you want. And you know what – your country will become more democratic as you go along.

So let us do this awhile and we should think hard about what we are doing, then do more and more of the same, and gradually let it be the way things are done in our democracy. We would then have found the way forward! This is about dismantling restrictions, empowering individuals – and creating a new adventure story. Let freedom come.

So now is it – start doing what you want to do. It will be massive when people realize it is possible.

Are you in control of yourself? Do you want to be?

November 19th, 2012

Your mind is the key to everything. Your physical and mental activity is ruled by your mind. Your mind is not a stable mechanism, it leads you all over, while at the same time you can exercise various degrees of control – if you put your mind to it. You can choose to use your mind as a tool to create a good life for yourself, or you can just let everything be taken care of for you – be in an automatic mode  and just let yourself be dragged along, almost imperceptibly.

The way to achieve control of your own mind is to eliminate all external influences completely, and at the same time work on understanding yourself, what you do, how you react, what you identify with. This is not easily done, and you must work hard to get close to a situation where you can say you are in control. You must change your life in thoroughgoing ways. You must shed all and don a new mental state where consciousness is king.

When all external influences are controlled you are in a position to wholly decide what to think and do. This also has to do with timing, place, importance. Then nobody can tell you a thing, you are all on your own, you are beginning to see the rudiments of freedom.

We all live under the influence of tremendous forces. The external forces are societal in the form of peer pressure, authority messages, media influences, seasonal variations. Internally your own morals and ethics play a part, your reasoning or logic based on your knowledge and what you think is right. The sum of these forces have a huge impact on you, they make you what you are.

The information explosion is part of this picture as there is a constant stream of  messages aimed at you, wanting to influence you – companies, government agencies, politicians,  media all want you to perform in certain ways. In the old days much of this was called propaganda, now it is part of the ongoing process of crystallizing public opinion, making you behave in certain predetermined ways.

Reading and reacting to advertizing is one bit, incessant negative news is another. Participation in arrangements, activities of many kinds are time thiefs of great importance.

The biggest influence on you is without doubt your work that occupies you maybe 10 hours or more every day all of your life, and fills your head with huge preoccupations, influencing your life immensely, often tying your mind into a knot.

Your family takes a major part of what time you have, severely limiting the time you have available to choose independendently.

The things you own are there too. All your belongings – dwellings, cars, boats, bicycles, clothes, books, tools, ….  - the list is endless – steal your time in all manners  you can think of.

And sure – we must not forget entertainment in many forms – time flies. And drugs and alcohol drowsing you into near unconsciousness.

So all is set up for you and your life flies away, into empty space. It is certainly OK in many ways, but your mind is turned off when you live like this.

Awareness of what you do is clearly lacking, and the result is a stupendous lack of time that you can call your own and none of what you do is chosen by you, you just react to influences all the time. Everything on the agenda is controlled by others and is aided and abetted by your own confusion, your sleeping mind.

Surely the aim must be to have a life of your own, to be able to do what you yourself want to do. This life can be a full life, creative, spiritual, engaged, attentive, included in the big system that the world is, engaged with likeminded people.

The choice is yours: engage your mind, wake up, decide things, do things.

Go be like that – fix your own mind and your life will follow suit. Surely you want that?

GMO – their money or your life? Sustain.. what?

November 17th, 2012

GMO or genetically modified organisms are getting a bad name. Development of GMOs is very expensive, only the big companies can do it so we risk monopolistic practices. The modifying being performed is also high tech, the companies are not very forthcoming with what they are doing as the important thing is to make money.

In some cases the big companies even try to hide what they are doing. Bad effects on animals, plants and food have been seen, there is patenting  and IP practices, there is lobbying in the US to prevent good information about the effects and use of GMO being used. There is good reason to ask for lots of information about GMOs.

GMO foods were commercialized in the US in 1995, but there is no information about it for consumers given on product labels. Some of the foods were approved based on the companies own research.

Some countries have now outlawed the use of GMO for human consumption, e.g. some European countries.

There are lots of safety concerns: Rats being given corn of the variety NK603 have developed tumors and liver ailments. People eating this corn for a long time may also suffer these conditions. Independent researchers should investigate these matters. Public systems to strengthen approvement, follow up, regulations shiould be put into place everywhere.

GMO varieties of plants have been spreading in nature knocking out local varieties, and putting the farmers into the hands of big companies. The bees can not see the difference as they are carrying pollen here and there as before.

The sustainability of GMO plants is also being questioned. Putting some genes into some plants seem to be a shortsighted practice as resistances of various kind develop all the time. Increasing resistance leads to use of more chemicals, with a risk of  introduction into the ecosystems of plants and humans, animals.

The GMO plants of today are fully pesticide based as they are pesticide tolerant by design or developing their own pesticides.

Diversity is another matter. What makes more money will be used, so we may end up with a few large crops, the local small varieties being forced out.

The moneymaking also involves pesticides, the big one being Roundup with glyphosate as the active ingredient. GMO plants tolerating certain chemicals like Roundup are thus planted, and tolerating the spraying will make them grow well while everything else is being destroyed.

Many insects are involved, as they first die, then develop resistance, then more spraying, then …..

The big companies must start to see sense. Only independent testing and follow up can possibly give us the required knowledge, fix the situation and provide acceptable practices. The situation today is not acceptable.

GMO clearly has theoretical promise of good things to come, but the industry is shooting itself  in the leg with present practices. We are being thoroughly put off, turning sceptical and in the end making a no acceptance stand.

Agricultural practices is what it really is about. Large scale, GMO, pesticide based agriculture must be stopped ASAP. It can not just be about making money, it must be about safety as well, and in the end about morals – what do you do to others.

Sustainability, no risk, reasonable practices is what counts in the end. The new catchwords of openness and moral sentiment will lead us in the right direction.

And what about local small scale production, permaculture, ecological systems, biodynamics? Just watch them grow! Good food is coming to an orchard near you, or from your own garden, maybe?

Free will is best – and possible

September 3rd, 2012

Men have great capacity for thinking and doing – but increasingly it seems we do less and less of that. The general picture is obviously one of passive and conforming behaviour, absence of new thinking, passing by or just being supersettled, like put into concrete.

Men are becoming machines, mechanical men, working hard to get by, but with no time or energy for exceptional maneuvres – mental or practical. Why is this happening? Are we being led into this, why have we lost our independence?

So practice observed is clear for all to see – we are increasingly becoming limited beings – we box ourselves in.

What we eat is controlled by big corporations, media are enormously concentrated and full of silly entertainment, spin and agendas and found everywhere, work takes most of our time, consumption takes the rest of it. And the story goes on – all we seem to want is more of the same.

We put limits on ourselves, and others are trying to put limits on us, practicalities limit us – we are framed or we live in boxes – little ones.

When you are born your head is empty except for an essence of pure emotion, instincts. You will never fully experience this essence, because your personality will be built rapidly from impressions of many kinds. Personality is built as you go along, gradually and almost imperceptibly. You learn what is right, what you should do, concepts of goodness, badness and the rest of it. Gradually you are formed and become what you are.

Few people are conscious about what is happening to them and how they are formed. You have to work on yourself continuously to to see this, and work very hard to have an effect on what is happening.

All your emotion, logic, movement, instincts, learning can drive you in many directions, let you develop into a fully free person, and independent too. You will see that you are not one person, but many – you are not a constant being. If you do not work on seeing who you are your life will be troublesome and full of unconscious behaviour.

Gradually we all adapt to this complexity by conforming to all the strong forces around us, we slip into conformity and comfort zones. You are no longer unique, you are moving into the box, you do what everybody else does. The forces around shape you, and you let them!

Instead of leading a conscious life you become a mechanical man. You become lazy, cowardly, soft thinking, stale and you just get by. Your thinking, doing, eating, making a living is standardized, you hardly live and there is visible boredom.

You are a routine human being living a routine life, you are slowly dying and you do not care. Your life’s aims are lost, your free will is being eroded. You are one of the masses, driven by herd instincts, unable to take part in rational discourse.

It is nice to know that this can be changed fundamentally if you se the danger and care to take action.

Getting out of the box requires aims, work on yourself and will. It is not easy, but an exciting, conscious life is possible.

Start the work now, start to try to understand yourself and see who you are. Encourage others to do the same and all will go forward. Your imagination is the limit! Do not conform, develop your free will, raise your consciousness.

Go get, now. You can be unique!

A simple life and a big picture

August 30th, 2012

Life’s complexity is steadily growing. We have more and more of everything. We earn more money all the time so we can buy more and more things. The economic system requires growth every year. With 2% growth the economy doubles in 35 years. Most people now just work in simplistic jobs and we consume all we can lay our hands on.

Modern society is also full of activity – impressions, news, entertainment, advertisements, improvements, repairs, travel, study, things that you feel you must have, do, take part in.

The result is a cluttered existence as we spend time getting, using, repairing, throwing away, storing all the things we feel we must have. Entertainment is everywhere, modern communications are making us busy too.

Life ends up in complications, outside of our control, we are being driven along by a big engine of growth. In the process our time and attention is taken.

We have to start thinking deeply about our lives, and there are many angles from which to start. It is surely advisable to think deeply about these matters, get rid of confusion, raise your consciousness and then let some action follow.

The big challenge is how to set about making changes to your life. Social pressures against are enormous, we often end up dreaming about changes.

Materialism is one angle and contrast that with what you really need. The abundance is overwhelming and temptation is great. Consumers and anticonsumers are adversaries, and the rest are constantly confused. Get rid of confusion, raise your consciousness, find out what you really need from life. From there it is really only about willpower.

It could boil down to preferences, to what you think is important. In our societies work is the most valued aspect of our lives – it is the clear winner. We must work – at least 40 hours a week for 40 years – even more than that. Adding sleep and rest to that and our lives are gone. The need for change should be obvious. You can have it if you put your mind to it.

You want more time to spend on your “likes”, reduce costly living, build conscious consumption, be part of a sustainable world, find new preferences towards simplicity and functionality, work towards conscious reduction of outside pressures, solve the enigma of spirituality.

The time spent working must somehow be reduced. Less buying is necessary, unless you establish alternative streams of income.

Be honest with yourself – be hard and you may succeed. A plan for economising your time, attention, places and money must be developed. You have to consider reduced consumption, the environment, spirituality, social life, sources of inspiration.

The key is consciousness, it is a life project, about making choices and concentrating on them, measuring progress.

It is also about politics. In practice you must withdraw and build on your own values of equality, sharing, individual freedom, reduced power over individuals, resist increased personal interference. Today’s dependence on the 4040 people is too great.

Many people have lived simple lives through the ages, now it  is time for present day methods based on todays situation.

Increasingly the mantras of sustainability,  spiritualism, off grid, environmentalism, anarchism, local control, individual freedom, sharing, equality, permaculture – real and in depth is gaining ground.

Clearly we can have a future simple life, but the big picture must be developed first: Better use of science, acceptance of a cosmos that is above us, a proper information community, voluntary participation, non-violent action, cooperation, equality, freedom.

We need quiet people that work on themselves and their relations to others, deep thinking, action filled creative lives, active spirituality, production based on real needs, an economic system for all. More people must do more for themselves – building, growing food, making things and repairing them.

A huge challenge is people’s ego – previously free people think mostly of themselves – but now a new mentality is needed to balance your ego with that of other people. We need less rules, an anarchy based on principles of voluntary participation, solidarity, equality, simplicity, freedom, non violence – a sweet society for all.

The real simple life is when you fully decide your own life’s action,when you are in harmony with your nearest, living physically, spiritually, economically, politically on your own terms.

So start thinking and doing – the force of many good things is with you. Dreams can come true, it needs a conscious mind.

There is no universal truth. The only truth is personal and is what you yourself sense now.

July 12th, 2012

The concept of truth is traditionally important in many ways.

It is an important factor in philosophy where lines of reasoning, logic steps are based on the concept of true assumptions.

The fact is that there is no such thing as an universal truth: absolute, relative, objective, subjective or whatever. The concept of truth has often been associated with power play, government, politics, science as a tool of conformity and suppression, or as a means to gain advantage over others.

The use of the concept of truth is also a hindrance to further development of many matters. When something is declared true further search for meaning and understanding often stops. As an example there can be no political truth, and scientific truth is nowhere to be found as science is perpetually changing into new forms.

Factually there is no such thing as a common truth. We are all individuals living in our own world, which is a world being constantly recreated in your own minds. As you live and grow through experience and deeper insight, your picture of the world develops, constantly taking new forms.

Your reality which is also your truth also constantly  changes. This makes it possible to reach higher levels of consciousness, and to live a richer life, a happier life. You do not remember the past, you do not worry about the future, you just live in the now.

You must always seek out your own truth, and if you accept other peoples version of the truth you will grow increasingly confused and dazed. The only truth for you in the world is what you yourself find. Do not accept anything else. This is also the the way  to independence and free will, to higher levels of consciousness.

Nobody can give a free person the truth because there is no such thing. To become a free person, a happy person you must live by your own facts or truth. It is exactly the same with all knowledge – it must be all of your own making. The news in the media, the science, what people say, what you learn at school are not your truth, your knowledge -you do not have to learn it or heed it.

To learn the truth you must work hard, and you can only do the work yourself, although you may seek references among others. The present way is wrong: we have all been told, we have accepted what we were told, and we end up being locked in and dare nothing, meekly following along.

Authority must always be questioned: who are these people, what do they really know, what are their interests, where is their documentation, what are they aiming to achieve, why should we accept what they say. Always be the one who knows or say that you don’t.

To be happy the only aim you will ever have is to follow your own mind, live your own truth. If we keep listening to authorities of all sorts we will never be happy – which is the only aim. This is all really about thinking independently. This we must all do – each one of us – so that the common good is achieved. All illusions are created by others, we believe many things, we do not use logic, we feel, we hope we pray.

There is hard work ahead for you. Remember you work for your own good, your own happiness. Surely that is what we all want? Being your own true person could be very satisfactory.

Or maybe there is one basic truth: The notion of essence or oneness – it all comes back to One?

Melting permafrost, gas hydrates – our future energy supply?

July 12th, 2012

Sept. 2008

Due to presumed global warming permafrost may melt and this will again lead to increased global warming.

Gases will be released from the ground – CO2, methane – calculated to be 1700 billon tons – double of what the atmosphere contains today! This will probably take 100 years.

Through the years thick layers of organic mass has been deposited and melting will let the gases go.

The gases can be used for commercial energy purposes, and research into these processes is taking place. A patent for producing natural gas from hydrate by means of CO2 injection has been granted (University in Bergen).

Gas hydrates are a potential energy source found in permafrost environments and under the sea floor. They form when water and methane gas come together under extreme pressure and in a cold environment. The water and gas are frozen together at a molecular level. One cubic metre of gas hydrates contains 164-cubic-metres of methane gas, and 0.8 cubic metres of water.

Heating the gas hydrates bring methane to the surface. Thus when frozen gas hydrates are heated or undergo a change in pressure, they melt. The water runs off and the methane gas is released.

At the seabed outside Japan gas hydrates estimated to be equal to 100 years Japanese energy consumption has been located.

Total Norwegian emission pr. year is 50 million tons.



July 2012

The Japanese are working on developing their methane resources, and tests are possibly being performed this year. It seems the potential gas hydrate resources are large enough to supply the country for several hundred years.

Commercial production will hopefully start in 2016. Nuclear power is going, and seismic mapping of hydrates are in progress and will continue for at least another 5 years.

It is a big technical challenge to get the gas from the hydrates, and it has to do with melting. There are several methods as you can use>

  • melting by energy
  • chemicals
  • pressure reductions

There is risk of collapse and loss of stability. One method being considered is to inject CO2 and at the same time take out the methane.

Surely there must be similar structures in many other parts of the world?

The Chinese going forward – with the rest of the world

July 11th, 2012

The US is grappling with its budget – there will  be massive cuts in military expenses, the health insurance will cost and must be taken into the budget, and creation of jobs is not moving briskly. An election is coming, so the big issue short term is winning there.

In China a new leadership will come onstage late this year and early next year. The big changes are rolling : massive urbanization, move into industry, developing services and bringing along everybody in the process. There is talk about a welfare state for all based on elements from tested models from the Nordic countries. This could be a make or break development, with obvious difficulties when done on such a large scale.

Chinese military spending is going up fast. SIPRI states that it is now probably about US $ 160 billion, but that it possibly will overtake the US in about 25 years time.

The positioning in the Asia region continues with both China and US jockeying for friends and relations and resources. The Chinese must match the US military presence in the area at first, and possibly in the rest of the world later. The South China Sea developments are of particular interest – many nations are involved, many interests are played out like oil, fisheries, other resources and also the question of security. US relative strength is going down, and China will be a different player in a few years time.

So everybody is thinking out their own strategy for the coming change. No doubt the new centre of power politics will be in this area. So called global security is in play and a rebalancing will be seen.

Most important however will be the inner workings of the Chinese state. There are many comments in the Western press about intellectual freedom. Artists and dissidents have been harassed, the police are controlling citizens and politicians as well, Chinese internal security is of great interest in the West, and speculation about the forces, the realities of it all is being given wide publicity.

So is a welfare state being pondered – or perhaps already in the works? This could be a hugely important issue, and determine the development of the Chinese status in the world. In here we also have factors like social structure, economic models, private freedom. In a good state you should be able to say what you think, do what you want to do?

The cohesion of Chinese society is another aspect. Moving in the direction of 1 – 99 is surely no use!

Welfare plans are probably now being laid, health and social security for all, trade unions with a job to do and being allowed to do it. The election system, local, central has been under debate, especially in Hong Kong where changes are expected.

Transparent political processes are part of it all in the long run too, acceptable conditions for artists, writers, intellectuals, acceptable working conditions, acceptable procedures for strikes and incidents, economic equality and equality between the sexes…..

There surely are many things to consider. The Chinese will surely move along nicely, with some ruffled  feathers maybe, but the continued existence and good development of the Chinese state is not in jeopardy. The future of the US as we know it is much more difficult to assess.

Who are you?

June 28th, 2012

Do you know who you are? Do you the workings of your own machinery: Your body functions or physiology? Do you know how your behaviour originates? Who are the rulers of your mind – as there must be many?

Humans are complex beings. We do not know what gives us the spark of life, the fire, the element that starts it all. We take it for granted that some time during conception life arises, there is a factor that brings us to life, that starts it all. The creation of the Frankenstein monster was made possible because its creator knew how to ignite life.

This has barely any relevance for humans or other creatures on Earth, but obviously some force or power enters the stage so that life starts.

Then a predetermined pattern evolves as we grow into humans. We all go through the same phases with extremely similar patterns of behaviour, we fix our gaze, we move consciously, we walk, we talk, we become obstinate and our independence grows steadily.

All the way grownups – usually parents – are there to guide us, help us feed us. We go to schools, universities etc., and our minds are little by little filled up – often to overflowing.

Gradually what we are born with recedes, and we develop a personality through what we experience, hear, see and learn. First we are children, then we become adolescents, youths and adults.

We become grownups and can then do what we want – we are in principle fully independent. So your life is going full steam? In some ways yes, but most of us end up in square boxes, tied up in rigid conventions, bound by societal mores, taking part as greedy consumers of all the brands, and we follow blindly the majority – until we have forgotten why we are here and who we are. Being obstinate is no longer a proper description of us – we follow all leads blindly, believe all, say nothing.

For most of us it seems that the level of consciousness is low, so low that it seems we are asleep in our doings, automatically responding to all that happens.

Have you ever assessed your situation, who you are, what you have become, what you do, what you use as the basis for your life?

The forces in a modern society are huge. The consumer pressure is constant, buying goods is a necessity, the social pressure is ubiquitous and often unavoidable, there is an enormous amount of information that you feel you must assimilate, sort out, contribute to with your opnion. Your own dreams and uncertainties are often a player in the mixture that is your personality.

In sum the workings of your mind are often boggling, there often seems to be several brains working in there at the same time. The result is confusion or total lack of coordination. It is easy to see that many people often must have calming potions to feed on.

In the end to survive you must play along with it all – letting yourself flow in the stream of society, just being there reacting to everything that happens. You identify with everything that happens in the world, you opinionate wildly, you share your views with anybody, you follow nothing in reality, it is all happening in your mind, you do nothing. All you have is a job that saps you dry.

You have lost track of  why you are here, what your aims are, why you do things. You need not be here, you are just biomass.

So you must act. It is easy to say that your aims must be found, your mind must be observed in some way so you know about yourself, you must eat well, rest sufficiently, keep your body fit.

When that is done,  the rest is really about stopping up for a bit each and every day and look at yourself, gradually taking charge so that your inner self can grow, you can become what you have decided for yourself.  A whole person maybe?

Remember it is hard. It can surely be very satisfactory to have success in this field – becoming your own man!

What did you say your aims are?

How energetic are you?

June 4th, 2012

Tiredness and lack of activity is a common state – both of mind and body. There are many songs about tiredness, it has been written about in books and magazines, people go to the doctors because they are tired. Are you a slouching couch potato or a you a blazing, active doer of things with body and mind energized for action at all times? You feel like doing nothing – just passing time? It varies a lot, you say – you are not stable or consistent?

When you get tired you have a little nap or rest or you meditate or you take a cold shower, but strangely enough the mechanisms involved are not fully understood. The effects are however well known and these techniques are used by all.

What is it that make such great variety possible? What is tiredness about?

Our consciousness about these matters should be considered – you know: maybe we can raise it to a higher level so you know what is going on, so you know what you do, so you know why you do things or why not, so you can fix it, so you can have it the way you really want it.

The effort we put into the world is a great variable – sometimes we act up and sometimes we are just lazing around. Some people are constantly active, others are always passive. Increased consciousness about the whys of these matters could help you achieve what you desire, find the best level of mental and physical activity for yourself.

If you manage to be more active, amazing things could happen – most things can be done. It seems you can control the level of activity to a large degree if you want to. You must just learn how to. You must know the “handles” to turn or use – what factors it is that matter.

Your brain and your body are turned on from the moment you are born – some say even before that in your mother’s womb – and it never stops till you die. At night it turns itself down, but the processes are all there. The paradox is that often the brain will not help us do what we ought to do, there is some kind of resistance involved. We all experience tiredness, lack of concentration, staleness, boredom, drowsiness, could not care attitude, lack of interest, unwillingness, wretchedness – many things are there to stop us from doing things – if we let them.

It is both about physical things and mental states of mind – it is complex, we must have knowledge to understand it and to be able to change it.

Some people are ill to some extent, and many illnesses are great drags on what you can do, what you manage to do. Examples are diabetes, thyroid problems, depressions, heart problems, sleep disorders – the list is long. Some illnesses are chronic and are hard to tackle.

For others the work of getting things done is also about a lot of things: your level of consciousness, inspiration, clearness of mind, physical tiredness, food, blood sugar levels, your aims and intentions.

The main factor is possibly what drives you, what are your aims, are you able to do what you love to do. If you are able to achieve having clear aims and also being able to work towards it the energy will surely get a boost. This is probably the main driving force in our lives. Get a grip on your aims and the juices will flow!

Food is involved too as it may make you drowsy or attentive. The level of blood sugar, the water you drink, coffee or other drinks may have an effect to some extent. Eat so that your metabolism can work in a stable manner.

The fitness of your body counts and if you do not easily get physically tired you are better off and a good fit body can stay alert for longer. A bit of daily exercise, using your body every day is what does it, juggling balls, walking, biking, dancing …. Or play some music, sing a song.

Mental activity can be stimulated by uncluttering your mind, getting rid of irritation and nuisances, tackling worries, being good to others. Understanding yourself, seeing how your mind works, how your upbringing, codes, habits or instincts play with you is of great importance. There are numerous energy thieves involved – and you can learn to control them all.

The little things matter to:  splash some water in your face, have a drink, eat an apple, swing your arms or bend your knees for some minutes, watch the birds or girls, change your clothes, be angry and shout, share some jokes with people.

Habits of cozyness are habits of laziness, they become habits of emptiness, you become an observer, a passive bystander. Your life is passing you by.

So the task is to energize yourself and push yourself into conscious work. It is so easy to say. Give it a try – push yourself into it. Now – this second: Search for meaning, develop aims, enthuse, inspire, find what leads you on: Search and go!

Remember living is about doing – being energetic is a great way to live. Set out your wishes, enable yourself to do it, then do it!