Event business in event nations

The Chinese Olympics was a prime example of a nation showing the world what it can do, like many before it. Lots of people came to the event, leaving lots of money and going home with their memories.

Commercialisation of events is now gaining strength all over the world: Sports, eco-arrangements, location-touring, festival-tourism, science, fashion etc. – the interest is growing fast.

A creative industry is sprouting, and governments are increasingly taking part, looking to both national marketing and branding, jobs and plain fun. The competitive element among nations is also present: We are the best, more modern, intellectual, cultural etc. nation!

It is no longer a festival every fourth year, but many events per year – in some countries there are now hundreds of events per year. Governments are finding this interesting and are joining up with national policies, money, institutions, cooperative arrangements – whole national platforms are being built. Keep a stream of people coming to your country all the time, and money will be plentiful.

A new branch of business is emerging with lots of jobs. Schools and universities must teach people, research must be done, marketing, operations, goods and wares delivered, hotels, eating – if you are good this can be big – there are 6.5 billion people out there who increasingly can afford to take part.

Why not make your own event? Event nations and communities are surely the future. Build a good infrastructure and you will have your share of the proceeds. A new growth business!

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