The politics of climate

Al Gore, Norwegian Foreign Minister Støre helped by the Director of the Norwegian Polar Institute Winther presented a report in Copenhagen (Dec. 14.) claiming a rise in sea level of up to 2 meters in this century.

Media pushed it to the front.

It appears now that the figures are estimates based on probabilities only and that we can’t say for sure what it will be.

Who needs this kind of publishing of doubtful information?

Scientists must be allowed to work as scientists do and not be pushed around by politicians and the media.

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5 Responses to “The politics of climate”

  1. eve isk says:

    This article is very informative. Great stuff here.

  2. Love people who can tell their ideas clearly. Thank you.

  3. eve ships says:

    Useful publication and excellent presentation!

  4. tyrone says:

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    спасибо за инфу!…

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