The power of – or over – your mind

People in large numbers can be made to do things. Tell us and we do it. The world of business and politics is full successful ploys and spins to make you do what others want you to do. Your focus can be changed – you are easy to deal with. You are polite – you are accommodating and nice, you are well-mannered.

This is a fact – many or most people are told stories, shown objects, asked questions in a way that make them want to believe, to buy, to do, to behave in ways that are very consciously designed to influence you. Others tell you – you do it. It is felt to bebest

How come? We have free will, we are independent, we have analytical ability, we can pick and choose, decide for ourselves.

But alas, this is not so: campaigns are aimed at you, marketing is sent your way, grand schemes and small schemes all.

The choice is obviously ours in principle, but in practice very many of us do what “they” want us to do.

It has to do with our subconscious mind, our lack of willingness to find out for ourselves, laziness, the obvious benefit of the message you receive, …

The method of axiology – the teaching of how to establish a value – is about this: what is a thing or service to you, what does it in fact do, what is it made or put together from, what do you think of it. By evaluating these together we arrive at a value that is irresisistible to you – you must have it, you will follow, you accept a message. This it how it works most of the time in a modern society.

Other techniques are also used – they are aiming at us -firing at us – influencing what we think and do.

Or are we becoming more critical, are we our own decision centers, independent souls that can decide for ourselves? What is value – your own values, society’s values?

Take back the powers of your mind – they are yours. Think it through – then do what is  right.

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