Sharing everything equally

Sharing is the new paradigm. Everybody should have a share in profits of the companies of a society or have a part of common resources allotted to them so that real equality can be achieved. The system, the amounts and numbers must be evaluated, but the principle should be established.

Some states have profit sharing schemes already, e.g. Alaska related to oil. A Norwegian professor of economics has suggested that 25% of profits from oil production should be distributed to all individuals in the country.

A lot of attention has been given to this matter, from the old Greeks to modern day: Phillippe Van Parijs, Joseph Chalier, Erik Christensen. A network has been formed Basic Income Earth Network. The theme has varied from a basic wage for all to minimum income, and research and thinking is continuing. Factors entering into it are ownership of common ground, including metals, oil, forest, rare earths, crops. Society establishes large and complex systems and the inhabitants of a society should be rewarded for this by receiving a due share of income or profits. This should not be in the form of taxes to the state, but as a form of levy from everything to everybody.

With increasing efficiency of production labour in the old sense is becoming less required, and we are moving towards a situation where only a few have to work at any time. The activities we are spending time on has been changing for a long time, and even less time is required for upkeep as we become more and more efficient and energy-intensive.

New thinking is required – we must manage the Earth and its local communities in new ways. The soil, what it produces, what it contains must be seen as a common resource to be managed by all, as a common pool resource, and everybody should have a share of the income it generates.

Factors to consider are inherited riches, technological development, the role of national boundaries, renewable, non-renewable, sharing of revenues, transparency: keeping it all to yourself is not the best way. The method of collective reasoning should be developed – collective thinking and collective power.

Growing and distribution of food should be part of the same method, and corporative and government restraint must be part of it. The use of ecological principles should be increased.

The aim of it all is fair distribution, fair share for all so that nobody lacks the basic necessities.

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