Back to basic environmental work

Reports of salmon stocks in Norwegian rivers coming back to the old normal is encouraging for environmentalists: success!

A programme of adding  limestone to river environments have been going since the 1980s and results are good: the salmon and trout are back. This is also a sign that basic environmental work is progressing. The super-attention given to climate change has been detrimental to other issues that must be taken care of. Now things are being normalized as the work on climate change is entering a “normal” phase.

Liming is done to reduce the acidity of the river environment that depletes the fish.

The acidity is due to sulphuric and nitrogenic emissions from traffic and industry using fossil fuels. These substances often move hundreds of kilometres by wind before falling down, often as acid rain, and creating acidic environments.

The solution is twofold: reduce emissions through international cooperation and work locally to restore acidic environments. Keep up the good work – reduce emissions everywhere and keep liming.

More of this please!

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