Mobile broadband

Everybody will use it – billions of people with handheld devices!

The manufacturers of equipment for mobile broadband are working hard to deliver well. The large number of users as well as the large traffic densities – so far up to 21 Mbit/s, later much more 100 Mbit/s ++ – require new technology: fiber-optic hubs and radioline equipment.

We are on the way to LTE! (Long Term Evolution)

Demonstrating the worlds first commercial 4G-net: Chinese company Huawei and Norwegian telecoms operator NetCom will be starting up the worlds´first commercialLTE 4G net in 2010. Speed is about 50 mbps, with customer speeds of about 15-20 bmps. The theoretical top speed is about 100 bmps.

Huawei is among the worlds´ biggest telecom suppliers, but their position in Europe is not strong – yet.

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