Archive for the ‘What humans know’ Category

Pharma: Improving the human situation – or making ever more money?

Sunday, July 10th, 2011

Businesses must grow – they must provide more money for shareholders – they must increase shareholder value. This is what it is all about – the ultimate purpose of human existence. Business thinking is straight and clear – do it. There is no alternative – it must be so.

Or should we start thinking about what we really do?

The case of medicines, drugs, treatment of sick people is fully illustrative of what is going on. Since about 1995 we have known that 90% of all medical research is targeted at the richest 10% of the world’s population. This is the 10-90 gap.

Research is also becoming global. It takes place where rules are softest and  wages are lowest. The aim of research has for a long time been to increase drug companies medicine pipeline – where profit is generated. So research is done in areas and with people that will not be using the results of the research – the finished medicines wil be used in the rich countries where the money are – the big money.

And the people developing the drugs – should they put in a bit of thinking about the system they have become part of?

The funding for this research comes from the big pharmaceutical companies – with strings attached. They do what they do for the highest possible profit, the public good is not their concern.

If you do not like what is going on, there is precious little you can do. Big pharma is a monster with tentacles everywhere – they rule the system.

So large groups of people do not get the medicines they could have. With the present system they never will.

Can this continue? Are we good people or just profitseekers? The science community think this is all right? Is it acceptable to earn a living this way?

No, we need new thinking and doing: We need independent research and drug making targeted at the needs of all people, regardless of worldly riches.

Here is an area where changes must come – the world is much bigger than big pharma profits. The human side of what we do must lead us all to a better, more balanced future. Big pharma power must be counteracted – an alternative way of developing and distributing medical care must be found. The market will not fix this. We must start working towards common/public systems where sharing, equality are the guiding principles, and new regimes of regulation found.

As usual we must all do our little bit – gradually it will all add up. Good sense will eventually prevail. A global solution perhaps?

Local is in, global is out – the future is bright

Monday, July 4th, 2011

The climate challenge is still with us, and little progress has been made. The reasons are obvious: The big boys are pushing the little guys – like you and me – to do things that we are not sure will work, and some of it we do not like at all. Even worse is the recent talk from the IPCC about geo-engineering – halfbaked thoughts that scare people.

The big nations like the US, China, Western Europe won’t do much – they mostly talk and walk away. The positive side is that many local activities are coming up, and understanding is growing in many places.

So another approach must come: Climate change must be made part of the bigger ecological change we are going to have – we must make the world a sustainable place in the sense we have in deep ecology. Then climate will be included too – it fits well into this scenario.

There must also be a shift from global thinking to local thinking – followed by local action. Local is the only way as everybody live locally, everything we do is locally done. Global geo-engineering is a rather badly developed idea, technically it is unsound, democratically it is unacceptable.

So the only way is generating local action where members of all local communities play their part. We all have ideas about sustainability, we know a little and we must learn more, we must learn to see the consequences of what we do. We must learn to be the judge of what we should do.

Activities that are useful for the community must be started, including local industry, farming, transport, daily life.

This could be part of a common pool resource project of sustainable, deeply ecological local communities: administration based on local involvement by all stakeholders or inhabitants, local understanding and ownership of rules, deep involvement by all because it matters, continous and lasting involvement by all, local supervision and corrective action where necessary – so everything must be local of course.

It is all done separated from usual politics – only a coordinative function is required. All we need is a basic rule about sustainability. It has to be above ordinary politics – this is bigger  and wider than that – it is about everybody’s life – involvement is compulsory – decision making is all including – using the principles found in the old way of council – it is about all of us so you must participate.

Global thinking will never solve a thing – everything and everybody is local. There is nothing you can do about that so start local work on sustainability and deep ecology where you are – the only thing you should do is your own local bit. Being global can be good in the sense that you should travel widely, learn a lot, get to know a lot of people, see the beauty and character of other places, help others that are in need, develop new ideas, share.

And in the end – if we all take part and make this work – we will all be better off. Global rules with doubtful relevance pushed at us from an uncertain authority will never work. Build local ecology first, when that is fixed, maybe everything is all right?

Understanding will come – the future is bright.

Traditional medicine is yin – Western medicine is yang

Friday, July 1st, 2011

Traditional Chinese medicine TCM or alternative treatment are being used by about half the population of the Western world.  Most of our schooled doctors don’t like that and they do not understand it either. Research is being done in a few Western places as to what this is all about, and the big question is: Does it work?

The University of Tromsø has a research facility looking into it, and they are making progress. They have mapped in detail more than 300 exceptional stories of people and their illnesses with the aim of finding what works – and a few that did not work.

Standard thinking is that the healing effect of traditional medicine – it has been used for 5000 years – is due to the placebo effect or the self-healing properties of the body. Or is there something involved that we have not understood?

So research is needed – unbiased, scientific research and good hypothesizing too.

It seems the most important aspect of traditional medicine  is that you see somebody – you receive attention and care. The question then arises: is this about physical illnesses with a psychological root cause?

Treatment of most illnesses are well taken care of in modern medicine, but illnesses with complex, psychological causes are often hard to crack with drugs, surgery.  In Chinese hospitals modern and traditional medicine work together with good results.

So is there new knowledge to be found? Can we improve or accelerate the self-healing properties of the body? Are there effects of spiritism, yoga, meditation? Acupuncture has been shown to work in relation to many illnesses, and has even been used to reduce pain during surgery. TCM has given cancer patients a better life with better appetite, sleeping well too.

And hypnosis where does that fit in? The old Greeks went into dark places to find healing – we don’t seem to know exactly what that was – but it must have worked as it was perpetuated for thousands of years.

To move forward we must have an open mind – we must make the old new by finding how it works. So we need more research for a better future. Humanity will never know all there is, but we must move on.

See: National Information Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Norway (NIFAB)

The future of history – the endpoint of our world

Sunday, June 19th, 2011

History is a description of what we have done, what happened. History is always tinged with peoples´ opinion, inclusions/exclusions, preferences, interpretation and must be seen in the light of present circumstances. History may change over time. What elements we include in history or see as important also determine the history we see.

So speculating about the future and what the endpoint of history will be is not easy, it could be part of an exercise in planning, of choosing a contemporary path to serve us well as regards our own future.

The driving forces are often strong and beyond our control. Part of it may be found in culture, technology, the environment, ethics, agendas of nations/organizations/people, religion and discoveries. Strong personal qualities and activities may also influence the course of history.

The basis for future developments is found in many places: science, politics, human needs, conflicts of various kinds and environmental change including natural catastrophes or trends. There may also be agendas unfolding as people put their thinking into practice, thus vastly influencing  what others do.

Factors talked about now is local versus global, self-government versus global control. Will there be world domination by some force – by a nation – like the Mongols, the Romans etc. -  or will a strand of thinking, an idea find its way into our lives? It could also be that China and India will emerge on the world stage and balance Western domination, even put the US in the shadows.

The future of ownership is another interesting topic – will ownership be distributed or will concentration increase? New political systems may arise – like the use of co-intelligence principles, or the opposite which could be a global government with wide powers, or will it be a mixture of many systems? Big corporations owned by financiers seeking profit is today a moving force in many areas, and if this is coupled with big government we could have a new situation developing affecting our lives.

Politics is the important method ruling our lives today, but this could change as politicians are are appearing more and more unreliable and unable, or if common pool resource management becomes common. Markets are the norm for most things today, but this could change if new practical solutions are found for production and distribution of things that today are sold in markets. Candidates could be medicines, limited resources of many kinds, commodities.

The rule of law is the basis for most sensible states today and this will probably continue in the future, even be strengthened. An individualistic culture is seen today and this could change too as people become socially more responsible.

New kinds of societies are hard to fathom today, but changes in the past have been big and new entrants may be found.

Technology will be important – the chemical world will grow, new understanding will be found about our minds and bodies, the digital world will continue to change our lives radically and make possible a host of technologies, including positive and negative activities.

The practice of foresight and planning should increase in many areas – but humans have always had a tendency to act after the fact. The biggest challenge is maybe increased distribution of knowledge and of  science so that people can help themselves.

So – pure speculation is what this is – we all live in the present and do what we must do – we do not plan history´s development – or are there people out there with agendas that they work hard to carry through over the years? If this is so it is scary and it would have been nice to know!

The great unknown – the depths of our minds

Monday, April 11th, 2011

We have some knowledge of how our physical brain works, things that go wrong can often be fixed, you can have treatment that works.

But thinking, mental processes and mind matters like consciousness, intuition, feelings are in the realm of speculation, guesswork, conjecture and worse: We are not sure what goes on. We can see what happens, but we are unable to explain it, we don’t know the mechanism by which it works.

We can not control our minds fully, some people are better than others at that, but things keep entering our minds, we develop sympathies, ideas, dislikes, we become glad and sad, we become depressed without being able to control it .. and so on. Psychologists can help, but surely they are often in deep waters.

Many people work at understanding their own minds, some meditate or do the Works (ref. Gurdjieff), some have therapy, do dream interpretation …many techniques are used to find understanding and calm us. More people should really do this kind of work – reflecting on the state of your mind.

Dreams are said to contain information or knowledge entering your mind when you are asleep. Often we remember our dream, so that we can think about it, even interpret it. The reason for dreams and their significance is really unknown, but our mind is obviously working when we are asleep. It has been suggested that dreams are a cleaning of our memories, a process of stabilizing your mind.

Dreams are very personal, they belong only to you, although simultaneous dreaming in several persons shall have been observed.  Dreams seem to just happen, there is no starting and stopping mechanism involved.

Many questions have been raised about the working of the mind when we sleep:

  • what is the intellectual activity involved, or is it just feelings?
  • can we do things in dreams that we otherwise can not?
  • are we getting access to hidden worlds in our sleep?
  • do dreams warn us of physical changes like illness? Are they warnings?
  • why do we have nightmares after scarying or terrifying experiences? Why is the mind working so hard?
  • what is lucid dreaming, or the state of the mind where we know we are dreaming?
  • is death the relation of dreams – is there a state that we enter when we die?
  • do dreams give rise to enhanced abilities? Do we become more creative?

Induced dreams was once a technique used by many both in Asia, Europe, the Americas. This is now frowned upon, but consciously entering into dreams was once part the healing rituals in many civilizations, used for thousands of years. May be we have lost some knowledge here. We have taken that away without providing something instead. We are scientific people, but what do we do when science can not tell? Both Hindus, Buddhists, American Indians, the Finns had and still have their rituals – but don’t show it off – and the Greeks used healing and wellness rituals based on induced dreams. They even went into dark places, the underworld to achieve healing.

Psychology has many big names – Freud, Jung – but the science is difficult – and often shut down for some reason. Many have tried to provide structure  and analysis, e.g, the four archetypes of dreams.

Mystics claim that dreams link us to the evolution of humans, to the cosmos, even Einstein claimed a love for the mysterious that he did not understand. Many cultures have people with understanding of our minds, they can work wonders, they find and use hidden forces.

Mind control has been a big theme during wars: how to get people to tell the truth, how to get confessions, mass coercion. Using drugs and microchips to control people’s mind is are recurring themes. Using persuasion, sermons, nationalism to induce certain modes of thinking, to soften people have been talked about over the years. Experiments with drugs to alter peoples mind are going on, huge amounts of mind drugs are used today, we know the effects of many and people are constantly inventing and trying out new ones.

Advertising has also used mind control – still are? – the depth men – to make us buy things. There are even bigger questions about mind control of societies – propaganda in many forms, silent, slow, making us follow, taking us over, calming us.

The themes touched upon here are big and important for the future of mankind. There is obviously a vast amount of knowledge to be had – for individuals, for societies, for humanity. The writings about controlled societies are still valid, so better watch out – you may not believe you are manipulated till it is late.

Mind matters are complex, but we must search for the unknown, the mysterious. The fact that science right now is of no use must not stop us from trying to improve our understanding – so go seek understanding. It is silly to stop people from searching – the search in itself could be very exciting.

The state, status and use of science

Tuesday, March 8th, 2011

Non-scientists should grasp what is going on in the world of science. Sometimes it seems that basic science is waiting in the wings while technological advances using known science has the main focus. It all is about making money, making products to sell. In this way we are maybe losing track of the knowledge of the really big questions.

But science is surely moving ahead – physics, chemistry, medicine, others – new discoveries all the time. We all need to understand the major events as they unravel. The science will surely make an impression on our daily lives. Take genetics for medicine, food, energy – there will be great discoveries. There is far too little information about developments today – we are losing touch, information is lacking.

The most basic part of science is that there is life. This is an unsolved mystery. All the atoms that are you has a life force binding it all together. We do not know what this life force is and why our atoms hang together the way they do. So the cooperation of these atoms is at present a mystery, although there must be a logic or system in there. Humans are not what they were or will be – they keep changing or adapting – otherwise they would probably disappear. Species of the Earth regenerate for a while and then they disappear.

We know lots of species that have been here, but we dont’t really know what is going on – the number of species on the Earth is unknown. These processes are only found on the Earth as far as we know. But scientists are constantly looking for knowledge.

The conditions under which we live on this Earth seems to be precisely balanced – there are restrictions that make us live on a very small part of the Earth and its atmosphere.

The lack of knowledge about the Earth is amazing: the numbers of organisms here seems to be huge and we are maybe surrounded by millions of species that we have not yet seen.

And how did it all start? One spot of creation or many and then gradual adaptation? Is the system behind it the same for all creatures? And then the big question is if it is possible for us to destroy it all?

Ecologically we are behaving badly and unsustainably: We take large amounts of resources from the Earth, we make bad air, water, changing the surface of the Earth, killing life.

So where will we go – into destruction or positive developments? Does it matter what we do? Is science on the right track? Why are the basic questions about the Earth and life still unsolved? Is there a factor missing that we have not seen yet?

There is always new science – the worlds knowledge is increasing – it is important that we understand what is going on. It is also completely certain that what we know today will soon be outdated – this is the eternal truth. There will always be change.

Understanding yourself and what you experience

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011

Our world is built up from bits of untested, unexamined, received truths. Example: Our body and our soul are different things – we say. The Indian philosopher Sri Aurobindo suggests they are the same thing, but in different states – like ice and water. Do we know? What is the state of our knowledge? How do we go about finding out?

Another philosopher Paul Brunton has said – modified by me:

Philosophy must concern itself with basic facts: relativity of time and space, illusions, feelings – the big question is what experience really is. We only know what our senses tell us – we are surface seers. All experience is made to fit into the pattern of our existing ideas. To know the world as it really is, we would have to expand our field of awareness to a higher dimension and find relations, both to other things and to oneself. Knowledge can exist only by being based on relations, and it is always relative.

The philosopher must split knowledge into two forms:

  • the state of things as they are presented to our five senses
  • the state of things as they really are in their essential nature

To understand reality we must first understand the unreal.

Scientifically viewed things in their ultimate character are indeed fields of electronic and protonic energies moving at speeds – a state of absolute rest does not exist – that is an illusion. The universe is not so much a structure as a flow, it is the microcosmic world of atoms: electrons are constantly rotating, protons are ceaselessly vibrating.

Thoughts are constantly flowing – mentalism demonstrates that our experience of the whole world is nothing but our thoughts of it. The ultimate stuff of the universe is light, restlessness being the ultimate state of the universe, and where reality is.

Modern science began by studying and describing the properties of things, and it can end only by discovering their ultimate substance, and this will land it in metaphysics. Atoms are not the last word nor matter the last substance. Atoms have been divided and found to be waves. The worlds is not a stable one but a process of happenings and the universe is in a state of permanent change.

Thing’s actuality reveals itself as mentally made – ideas and emotions, there is nothing else. Mind and the world are inextricably intertwined, mind is the only reality – mentalism is the doctrine that concludes that there is nothing but mind, we cannot step outside our mind. Ideas can not exist separately without a thinking being to hold or generate them. A full suspension of the mind’s activity results in sleep or coma, full resumption of it in wakefulness.

There is also another factor present underneath the individual experience of the world, a creative and contributive factor which is beyond his control and his consciousness. The individual and the unknown super-individual gives an explanation of the existence and structure of the experienced world. Thus although we started with sense-impressions as our first view of what is real in the experienced world, we are compelled to conclude that a super-individual is present as a mental factor.

Our sense-impressions arise from a creative power of our own minds which functions independently of our intentions and above our conscious self. There must be an unknown cause for the constant succession of thought forms – a super-individual mind must be present.

Existence cannot be limited merely to what is given in human sensations, there must be a universally diffused mind – a primal, permanent and self-subsistent one, a boundless mind which is a supreme mind. We are not merely the self-absorbed witnesses of our own impressions but also the co-sharers of a common experience, a constantly perceiving permanent super-mind.

The very act of thinking is a creative one as it manufactures its own time and space. The cosmos in its entirety is but a thought form of a cosmic thinker, working subconsciously behind the individual mind, and which will fill the gap we have in our understanding. We must recognize the working of another mind upon our own. This then is a third thing which must be a higher form of consciousness.

The presence of an omnipresent mind must recognize a relation not only between the world and the individual but also between the world and a universal mind.

The mental operations of all men are in the end related to each other and this is why they all see the same world in the same space-time order. Their own multiple existence in a single larger mind can be described as thousands of cells existing in a single larger body. This determines one man’s world experience from within himself and also determines another man’s. There is a hidden unity enclosing all human minds – the universal mind – the supreme mind – the World-Mind – is the soul of nature.

Remove thought and you remove things; annihilate mind and you annihilate matter. Man has difficulty with this partly because its paradoxical unfamiliarity and partly because of his own deep-rooted prejudice in favour of materialism.

Mentalism defines the universe in this way, and science has taken the first step towards the discovery of this truth. Whatever science has been in the past – the world is just one’s thought! Will science lead us to mentalism?

Who can tell – but when we do not know the important thing is to keep on speculating, making guesses and hypotheses. One day we will surely know.

(Note: A proton is the mobile part of the water molecule and is the carrier of energy/signals in biological systems. Protonic conduction takes place in the aqueous system present in all living matter – bioproticity.)

The hollow Earth

Thursday, February 10th, 2011

There are many people thinking in ways that are not mainstream and they do not accept the official view. There are a number of subjects where this takes place: sprititualism, government conspiracies, alternative medicine, aliens, economic rip-offs, theory of evolution, hidden agendas of many kinds – there are a lot of ideas in the world.

There are also a lot of things we just plain do not understand fully: climate models, the working of the brain, the enigma of what life is, the financial system, why there must be wars, what causes illnesses like cancer, rheumatism, life in the deep oceans.

Some have to do with our state of knowledge and one day we will understand, others are fixed ideas that never seem to die. And new ones of both kinds keep coming up.

This has to do with the working of the human mind: We are not logical beings, we do not think straight or cleverly enough, we accept some authorities, others not, we are full of emotions, there are special interests, we remember and we forget and there are economic interests as well.

Some of these ideas or controversies are very old and do not seem to let go. We deride most, but they stay in there. The world’s people seem to want to have it this way – it is entertaining. Now and then we must accept that ideas are accepted and new truth is found. In the confusion where we do not know the truth fully authors make good money from their books and films.

The case of the hollow Earth is an outstanding example. We really have no solid proof that the Earth is a compact whole and that the inside is hot and molten. The deepest hole we have drilled is about 12 km and this is much less than 1% of the way to the center.

Once the Earth was flat, but now we know more. Through the ages speculation has led us into concepts like the underworld, subterranean kingdoms, hell and even inhabited worlds. Several shell theories have been put forward and even now some people will not let it be – they claim the world is hollow. Concave hollow Earths have also been proposed.

Scientists – our masters who have shown consistent lack of knowledge of most things in the process of human learning – maintain that gravity and modern understanding of planet formation make it certain that the Earth is hollow with a molten core. A hollow Earth would have much lower gravity. There surely is heat in there, but we do not know for sure how deep it goes – we have never been there, it has not been measured.

Experiments with deep drilling have been proposed, but never realized.

So what is there to say: Speculation will continue – remember also that we have never been there so basically we do not know. One day we surely will know.

In the meantime – surely we should speculate – form hypotheses – test them – so we can say that they are no longer hypotheses. It is also about having a free mind: Do you dare that?

Micro energy catchment: small and useful

Friday, January 28th, 2011

There is energy everywhere – you have to transform or convert it into a suitable form for your purposes.

It has been stipulated that the sun-energy hitting the Sahara desert in 6 hours is enough for humanity’s needs for a whole year: There is a big conversion challenge in here – and people are working on it, systems are getting better all the time.

There is another energy world too – collecting the energy from the tiny generators we have everywhere around us and making it useful.

  • Sound contains energy
  • Piezo-electric effects – exerting pressure on crystallic materials – generate currents, e.g. from pressure on floors, gateways…
  • Vibrational energy can be taken out with vibro-generators
  • Optical energy
  • Thermal gradients
  • Small heat-exchangers, heat emissions from varm objects like your body or an oven
  • Water running in pipes
  • Airstreams
  • Metabolic energies of trees or large plants via temperature or humidity sensors
  • Electromagnetic emissions
  • Swinging doors can be fitted with generators
  • Body generators catching your body energy
  • Parasitically harvest surplus energy in many places
  • There surely will be more ……

Micro energy catchment can drive RFIDs, small motors, sensors, mobile phones, appliances where energy requirements are small or intermittent, charge batteries or we can save power-supplies like batteries and have a permanent source of energy instead.

Not big energy savings or emissions reductions, but useful in many ways. And new ideas will come – let us keep up the innovative processes.

The new superdevice SD – personal mobile device.

Sunday, January 23rd, 2011

It is coming to us: the move to mobile computing has started. The personal phone, the pad, the netbook, communications device or personal linking center – please somebody find a good name – that can connect you to it all – whichever way you want to – wherever you are – your contacts, relations management, documents, information search, videos, pictures, music, camera, calendar, reader for books, digital storage, even games.

It will be an ultraportable smart-device with good hardware and with software you can set up yourself to your own liking, just like a PC or Mac. Closed systems machines will be out, standards must be established  to allow establishing a non-proprietary common world. Or will the comfort of a tightly controlled user interface, fine usability, integration, firmness of execution be important?

These ultraportable devices will synch with your activity or workflow: scale to large screens, with touch, pointing, keyboard, voice command, include loudspeakers via docking device or wireless connection 4G or wireless. The synch must be continous, session centric, place independent, integrate all components that you choose, keep track of sessions. Desktops, TV, laptops, tablets, phones, cameras must all be included, and this will be done through a combination of software and hardware.

The design must be web/cloudbased, location and device independent, and use open standards for hardware and software so that all devices can be included. And the phone function may the least important of it all?

There is a convergence out there that is becoming strongly visible – the business is there for the taking – customers will love this.

So who will do it: a big boon for users and businesses is coming – and soon too. Whatever we call it – it will be nice.